Friday 22 January 2016

Hiii Everyone,
                    Here somthing about a healthy fruit Purple Mangosteen.

                    Healthy Fruit Purple Mangosteen

Mangosteen produces a recalcitrant seed which is not a true seed strictly defined, but rather described as a nucellar asexual embryo.  As seed formation involves no sexual fertilization, the seedling is genetically identical to the mother plant. If allowed to dry, a seed dies quickly, but if soaked, seed germination takes between 14 and 21 days when the plant can be kept in a nursery for about 2 years growing in a small pot. When the trees are approximately 25–30 cm, they are transplanted to the field at a distance of 20–40 m . After planting, the field is mulched in order to control weeds.  Transplanting takes place in the rainy season because young trees are likely to be damaged by drought. Because young trees needshade,intercropping with banana, plantain, rambutan, durian or coconut leaves is effective . Coconut palms are mainly used in areas with a long dry season, as palms also provide shade for mature mangosteen trees . Another advantage of intercropping in mangosteen cultivation is the suppression of weeds . 

The growth of the trees is retarded if the temperature is below 20 °C. The ideal temperature range for growing and producing fruits is between 25 °C and 35 °C  with a relative humidity over 80%. The maximal temperature is between 38 °C and 40 °C, with both leaves and fruit being susceptible to scorching and sunburn,  while the minimum temperature is between 3 °C and 5 °C.  Young seedlings prefer a high level of shade and mature trees are shade-tolerant .  Mangosteen trees have a weak root system and prefer deep, well drained soils with high moisture content, often growing on riverbanks. The mangosteen is not adapted to limestone soils, sandy, alluvial soils or sandy soils with low organic matter content.  Mangosteen trees need a well distributed rainfall over the year  and a 3–5 week dry season .  Mangosteen is a native plant to Sunda Islands and the Moluccas of Indonesia. 

Highly valued for its juicy, delicate texture and slightly sweet and sour flavour, the mangosteen has been cultivated in Java, Sumatra, Mainland Southeast Asia, and the southern Philippines since ancient times. The 15th-century Chinese record Yingyai Shenglan described mangosteen as mang-chi-shih, a native plant of Java of white flesh with delectable sweet and sour taste . A description of mangosteen was included in the Species Plantarum by Linnaeus in 1753. The mangosteen was introduced into English greenhouses in 1855.  Subsequently its culture was introduced into the Western Hemisphere, where it became established in West Indies islands, especially Jamaica. It was later established on the Americas mainland in Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, and Ecuador. 

The mangosteen tree generally does not grow well outside the tropics .  Mangosteen trees reach fruit-bearing in as little as 5–6 years, but more typically require 8–10 years.  The yield of the mangosteen is variable, depending on climate and age of the tree. If the young tree is bearing for the first time, 200-300 fruits may be produced, whereas at maturity, 500 fruits per season are average.  At age 30 to 45 years in full maturity, each tree may yield as many as 3,000 fruits, with trees as old as 100 years still producing .

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