Sunday 17 January 2016

Hiii Everyone,
                     Here described about  healthy fruit.

The jackfruit also known as jack tree, jakfruit, or sometimes simply jack or jak is a species of tree in the mulberry and fig family. It is native to parts of South and Southeast Asia, and is believed to have originated in the southwestern rain forests of India, in present-day Goa, Kerala, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka coastal Karnataka, and Maharashtra. The jackfruit tree is well suited to tropical lowlands, and its fruit is the largest tree-borne fruit, reaching as much as 35 kg in weight, 90 cm in length, and 50 cm  in diameter.
    The jackfruit has played a significant role in Indian agriculture for centuries. Archeological findings in India have revealed that jackfruit was cultivated in India 3000 to 6000 years ago. It has also been widely cultivated in southeast Asia. Stingless bees such as Tetragonula iridipennis are jackfruit pollinators and as such play an important role in jackfruit cultivation . In Kerala, India two varieties of jackfruit predominate: varikka  and koozha . Varikka has a slightly hard inner flesh when ripe, while the inner flesh of the ripe koozha fruit is very soft and almost dissolving. A sweet preparation called chakka varattiyathu  is made by seasoning pieces of varikka fruit flesh in jaggery, which can be preserved and used for many months. Huge jackfruits up to four feet in length with a corresponding girth are sometimes seen in Kerala , The young fruit is idichakka or idianchakka in Kerala.

    In West Bengal, India the two varieties are called khaja kathal and moja kathal. The fruits are either eaten alone or as a side to rice, roti, chira, or muri. Sometimes, the juice is extracted and either drunk straight or as a side with muri. The extract is sometimes condensed into rubbery delectables and eaten as candies. The seeds are either boiled or roasted and eaten with salt and hot chillies. They are also used to make spicy side-dishes with rice or roti.
    In Mangalore, Karnataka, India the varieties are called bakke and imba. The pulp of the imba jackfruit is ground and made into a paste, then spread over a mat and allowed to dry in the sun to cr eate a natural chewy candy.
   In Coorg, Karnataka, India the culinary items made out of jackfruit are aplenty. Jackfruit is known as Chakke. Jackfruit seeds are fried and a curry is made.

    In Maharashtra, the hard variety is called kaapa and the soft variety is called barka. The juice of the barka is extracted and spread on greased metal dishes which are then kept for sun-drying. Within 2–3 days, a tasty dried pancake-like dried jackfruit juice called as phansacha saath or phanas poli results.
    In Sri Lanka the young fruit is called polos , ripened fruit is called waraka and wela .

     In Indochina, jackfruit is a frequent ingredient in sweets and desserts.
    In Vietnam, jackfruit is used to make jackfruit che . The Vietnamese also use jackfruit puree as part of pastry fillings, or as a topping on xôi ngọt .

     Jackfruit is known as Rukh-Katahar  in Nepal, while Bhui-Katahar  denotes pineapple. The ripe fruite is eaten itself as a delicacy while the unripe fruit is used to prepare savory curry. The ripe fruit is also used to brew alcoholic beverage in some parts of the country Jackfruit is commonly used in South and Southeast Asian cuisines .

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